The Women’s Night Film Festival NÖFF is an early spring festival in Rapla which focuses on women.
The sixth festival is dedicated to the power and strength of women.
Women are creators, bearers, and keepers of life. The blood of the foremothers, the experiences and knowledge of the past flows in women’s veins. They are accompanied by an indescribable force that gently bubbles within them that can erupt when necessary, standing up for their family, children and themselves.
This year, NÖFF films tell the stories of very different women’s experiences, where women had to seize power to make changes, they had to find their own unprecedented strength to realize the impossible, they had to ignite the power to resist and fight. These are real life stories of young maidens and experienced women, they are stories about sex, love, death, money, and everything in between.
In the international panel of female filmmakers, the possibility of female directors is discussed and through exhibitions ad books presentations, we can feel the diversity of the female experience even more.
NÖFF 2024 focuses on women and power.
NÖFF 2023 took us on a journey about women’s health.
NÖFF 2022 targeted unforgettable women throughout history.
NÖFF 2021 set the theme to be environmental problems.
NÖFF 2020 was all about mothers and the prospect of motherhood.
NÖFF 2019 was the very first and dealt with a very difficult but important topic such as domestic violence against women.